Financial and material aid
Effective June 1, 2022, the amendment to Act No. 480/2002 on Asylum systematically regulates the initial integration of asylum seekers and foreigners granted subsidiary protection by providing a one-time contribution amounting to 1.5 times the subsistence minimum, as well as a state integration contribution, which is provided at 1.75 times the subsistence minimum for six months. After this support ends, asylum seekers and individuals with subsidiary protection will no longer receive integration support from the state.
The project will address the specific situations of vulnerable individuals on a long-term basis throughout its implementation period. The financial contribution is non-entitled.
Each payment of financial contributions will be assessed individually, with special regard to the overall potential for integration and various life circumstances of the clients. Financial support from the project is provided to individuals who receive material aidby the Ministry of Labour.
Contributions are paid in cash or by deposit into an account. Personal delivery of the contribution is preferred, as payments are often associated with addressing other issues and also serve as a monitoring of the client’s integration situation. Financial support is disbursed on a monthly basis.
If all project funds designated for financial support are exhausted, the project management may decide to terminate the provision of long-term financial support to clients, while still providing social, psychological, and other services based on the integration contract.
In the case of a client with problematic behavior, the project management may decide, after an individual assessment of the situation, to:
- reduce financial support,
- not provide any long-term financial support (but will continue to provide social, psychological, and other services based on the integration contract),
- terminate the integration contract.
During the support period, clients must adhere to the rules set out in the integration plan (active participation in Slovak language courses, actively seeking employment, cooperating with project staff, etc.); otherwise, long-term financial support for vulnerable groups may be stopped or reduced.
Individuals returning to Slovakia due to an extension of subsidiary protection will not receive any financial resources or benefits, only social, legal, and psychological counseling, and possibly a Slovak language course (if not fully booked).
Material assistance is intended for people granted international protection in Slovakia who find themselves in a difficult situation and cannot secure basic needs, such as food, hygiene products, or clothing.
If you find yourself in a situation where you need material assistance, you can contact us at RIFUGIO@SHR.SK